27 May 2022

BY: admin

Couple Counselling

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Counseling improves relationships

There is no such thing as a perfect relationship. However,Guest Posting it is possible for any relationship to be near-perfect with a little help from couples therapy. Contrary to popular belief, couples therapy is not reserved for couples with relationship issues or married couples considering divorce. In fact, many couples have considered couples therapy when making big decisions such as a move or an engagement. Conflict resolution is the main goal of any couples therapy session, and even if there is no major conflict, therapy can help two people avoid conflict in the future.

Although it seems pointless, many couples have considered couples counseling after becoming engaged, even if they are happy and have no conflict. Couples therapy helps many couples to open up more lines of communication, which can lead to a happier marriage. There may be certain issues that these couples may have never discussed before becoming engaged.

Speaking with a couple’s therapy counselor can make it easier for couples to discuss them and understand one another. Consequently, if couples can learn how to communicate better with one another before there is a conflict, they can avoid a more intense marriage counseling session. A couple’s therapist is educated and trained in conflict resolution between intimate partners.

Unfortunately, there are times when a couple will need therapy to address more serious issues regarding infidelity and addictions. In these cases the psychotherapist’s job is twofold during a couples therapy session. First, the therapist will understand the issues between the two people and how it is affecting their relationship; this is also an opportunity for each individual to discuss how these issues are affecting them individually.

This gives the therapist the opportunity to analyze the issue and come up with ways to help the couple understand one another. The therapist works as a medium between the two people to discuss these issues civilly. Many times the therapist will need to speak with each person in separate counseling sessions, especially if there are issues with trust that prevents the couple from communicating. In these difficult situations, the therapists job is to help the couple tackle negative feelings toward one another, and learn to forgive and move on, if they are interested in saving their relationship.

Couples therapy is not taboo. Although many couples will seek counseling if their relationship is in great danger, other couples will attend therapy sessions to open better lines of communication. Furthermore, couples therapy is not exclusively for intimate couples. Psychotherapists are trained in conflict resolution. Therefore, many business partners and coworkers can benefit from couples therapy to learn how to better their working relationship.

27 May 2022

BY: admin


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Cyberbullying and Harassment

A recent survey of young people revealed some startling statistics about how parents are supervising their children’s online time. More than 53 percent say their parents never ask them about whom they are talking to on the Internet, and over half say their parents never surf the Internet with them.

The Internet can be a wonderful resource, but it has always been our goal to teach our youth how to navigate the Web safely and appropriately. Childhood bullying has become a 24/7 problem, and the anonymity of the Internet makes it more difficult to identify and punish bullies.

Multiple studies have shown that teaching children positive social skills and taking proactive steps to prevent and discourage delinquent behavior can go a long way toward preventing bullying and providing a more effective learning environment.

Here are some tips to parents to help keep their teens safer online.

1. Remind your teen that what they post stays online forever.

2. Ask to see their profile page.

3. Tell your chid to only add friends they know in real life.

4. Have them use a nickname that doesn’t identify their location, gender or age.

5. Tell them not to post plans or whereabouts on a site or page.

27 May 2022

BY: admin


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Grieving Our Losses

What is it about Grief & Loss that upsets us so much? Is it the heavy duty emoting that we have to do to get through our suffering? Is it the fear we have about opening ourselves to all this pain?

We understand that this is necessary, at a surface level, but how we are feeling is what really counts. In that place we call Grief & Loss, is where pain dominates our life and where suffering is the paramount teacher. This is really difficult, and we know it only too well at times like these. We go there because we have to, but we try hard to escape, as soon as possible.

What is necessary now to get through to the end of this process? Is it simply a matter of toughing it out, or, do we have to dredge and dig and pummel ourselves along the way? It’s hard to be sure what we must do at such times.

To some that may seem sad though, to arrive in this “feeling” place where grief has brought you. But is it really? Perhaps it’s a better thing than you imagined, this place where truth resides within. Perhaps it’s more than you ever bargained for. Sure, grief brought you here, but what else goes on in this place of tender emotion? How about looking around, since you’re already here?

Allow yourself to descend to where it hurts and find out for yourself what this experience of grief and loss is, and what it can teach you that might correct your misperceptions about Life, Love & Purpose.